Bridget McGahen,

NASM CPT & Corrective Exercise Specialist

Get Running Coach


Bridget has been working in the fitness industry for 10 years. She started as a yoga instructor and then ventured into personal training. In 2019, Bridget started coaching runners specifically and joined pro-runner Neely Spence Gracey’s coaching team (Get Running Coaching) in 2021, where she writes athlete programming for both running and strength.

She is also a mom of 2 littles, a pastor’s wife, a Boston Marathoner, and is chasing a shiny new PR at Houston this January. She currently lives and trains in Upstate NY.

“We can’t control the engine we’re given. But how we treat our engine is entirely up to us. It will take us to the moon if we let it.”

- Alexi Pappas